CSS အကြောင်း အသေးစိတ်

CSS Part 1

  • CSS Introduction and Code Structure
  • Using CSS IN HTML
  • Text Decoration and Font Settings
    • Text Color
    • Font Size
    • Decoration
    • Font Family
    • WebSafe Fonts

CSS Part 2

  • Paragraph Settings
    • Line Height
    • Letter Spacing
    • Column Count
    • Column Gap
  • Text Shadow
  • List Styling Type
  • Border Style & Types
  • Margin – Border – Padding – Content
  • Display Styles
    • Inline
    • Block
    • Inline Block

CSS Part 3

  • Selectors
    • Class
    • ID
  • Using External CSS File for Styling
  • Color Picker in VS Code
  • CSS Inherit
  • Assignment Explanation
    • Build Portfolio Page
    • Use previous knowledges
    • Include Following:
      • Profile Picture
      • Name
      • Title
      • Email
      • Phone
      • Date of Birth
      • Address
      • Area of Interest
      • Talent List
      • Short Summary